Why Creating A Tech Infrastructure Is Integral For The Sexual Well-Being Industry

The sexual well-being industry faces numerous challenges on the technological front. There are hindrances in marketing, payment gateway issues, shadow banning, censorship, etc. Most tech-giants are unaware of the nuances associated with the sexual well-being industry. Therefore, they fail to cater to small businesses and professionals within the industry. This opens up a plethora of opportunities for those, striving to provide a tech infrastructure for the sexual well-being niche with a mindset to develop discoverability. Here, we will be analyzing the different challenges and opportunities associated with sexual well-being and technology in detail.

Shakun Sethi & CEO of tickle.life

Shakun Sethi started her journey as the founder and CEO of Tickle.Life, building a custom pleasure tech-stack for the sexual well-being industry, with a vision to enhance discoverability.

Tickle.Life endeavors to empower sex educators, wellness professionals, and content creators from the sexual well-being industry. Besides, her experience in crisis communications also helps her manage Tickle.Life efficiently.

Before incubating Tickle.Life, she kickstarted her entrepreneurial journey as the founder of Dizuna Communications Pvt, Ltd focusing on crisis communications, Public Relations, digital media, and providing robust IT services for eGovernment projects.

And it all took a turn with the experience and knowledge she garnered through her days at the world’s biggest PR firm, Edelman. Here, she handled multiple international corporations ranging from Wrigley to LinkedIn.

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