A Holistic Approach To Male Sexual Wellbeing

We are experiencing a sexual revolution in recent years, mainly led by women. They are leading this new movement as it was time to claim their rights. However, until now, as some stats show, men haven’t taken care of themselves. “Ninety percent of men don’t seek help unless they have a serious problem”, But it is not “fancy” anymore, now men also take care of themselves, and have left behind the outdated notion that “self-care is not masculine”. Possibilities are endless and irresistible: better skin, better hair, mental clarity, high-quality sleep, and finally… better sex life


Patricia López Trabajo, CEO & Founder of MYHIXEL, a pioneering brand in developing a revolutionary scientifically proven method, that helps men and their partners to reach a new sexual level. With MYHIXEL, Patricia is breaking boundaries and taboos.

Born in Seville, she has extensive experience in several very diverse sectors, among them the tourism and eroticism industry. After working for several years for leading brands in this field, she realized there was a lack of products available for improving male sexual wellness. Patricia discovered a study* revealing that 31% of men between 18 and 56 years of age suffer from premature ejaculation, and 85% of these men prefer to keep quiet about the problem. This is one of the main reasons why she embarked on the adventure of creating MYHIXEL.

In 2017 the company was born with two products for ejaculatory control, based on science and technology, developed by doctors, engineers, and sexologists. Nowadays, the company wants to cover all of the men’s needs through solutions, products, and services that help them reach plenty of intimate wellness. Patricia and her company keep working to help men reach plenty of sexual health.

Bonus Offerings for Attendees

Special Code for Attendees for 15% discount on all MYHIXEL products, except clinical consultations (MYHIXEL Clinic)