Karen Rayne, PhD, CSE Dr. Karen Rayne is the Executive Director of UN|HUSHED, an organization dedicated to creating and implementing the highest quality sexuality education curricula possible. She is also an Assistant Professor of Instruction in the Educational Psychology Department at the University of Texas. She is past editor and current board member of the American Journal of Sexuality Education, is the author of books like GIRL: Love, Sex, Romance, and Being You, TRANS+: Love, Sex, Romance, and Being You, and Breaking the Hush Factor: Ten rules for talking with teenagers about sex as well as a wide range of curricula and other professional resources. She is frequently sought after to share her expertise through training professionals, consulting with schools, writing articles, radio and print interviews, and speaking with parents. Dr. Rayne lives in the hill country outside Austin, Texas with her wife, three children, a small flock of chickens, and her standard poodle.